
Menna Abukhadra

 “Israel studies or enemy studies? A study of the development of Israel studies in Egypt​”

Aryeh Botwinick
 “Religion and Science: Why the Contradictions Have Not Materialized”
Ottfried Fraisse
 “Kritik arabischer Juden an der Wissenschaft des Judentums und ihrem Zugang zum Nahen-Osten”
Tina Frühauf
 “Studying Jewish Music in the Postwar Germanies: Trajectories between Wissenschaft and Practice”
Alessandro Grazi
 “Between Haskalah and Wissenschaft des Judentums: Isacco Samuele Reggio’s approachto History”
Samuel J. Kessler
 “Writing About God in an Age of Science: Kaufmann Kohler’s Grundriss einer systematischen Theologie des Judentums”
Rodrigo Laham Cohen
 “Argentinian and South American research on Judaism: Late ancient Jewish history as an example”
Daniel Mahla
 “European after all? Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest”
Gianfranco Miletto
 “Der italienische Beitrag zu der Wissenschaft des Judentums: Das Collegio Rabbinico von Padua, Isaac Samuel Reggio und Samuel David Luzzatto”
Gabrielle Oberhänsli-Widmer
 “Hebräisch als Symbolfigur: eine schillernde Protagonistin vor grauer Kulisse”
Amélie Sagasser
 “Digital Humanities and Jewish geography of Europe – perspectives, potentialities and challenges : The New Gallia-Germania Judaica: A Pilot Research Project (2017-2020) for a European Digital Cooperative Project Judaica in Europe”
Alberto Scigliano
 “On the other side of the border: Wissenschaft des Judentums, Franco-Judaïsme and the Rediscovery of Jewish Identity”
Marina Shcherbakova
 “Theory and practice of the museumization of Jewish culture in Ukraine (1917-1941)”
Liliane Weissberg
 “Leopold Zunz, Alexander von Humboldt, and the Names of the Jews”
Carsten Wilke
 “Wissenschaft Within and Outside the Rabbinical Seminary: Modern Jewish Scholars in Hungary”